Improve any TPRM program by reducing the manual work.

Whether you are using email and spreadsheets or have a mature, fully automated and sophisticated program, Mirato can help. Significantly.

Our advanced Artificial Intelligence solutions were created and trained specifically to address the most common and difficult challenges of Third Party Risk Management.

The Mirato TPRM Intelligence Platform completes your TPRM assessments using your risk appetite, your controls framework and the information you already collect.

The Mirato Questionnaire Killer automatically pre-answers your due diligence questionnaires for your third parties.

This reduces time, cost, pain, and effort for everyone. Stop chasing third parties, line of business and your SMEs, and start scaling and improving your TPRM today.

Mirato solutions make no "black box" decisions but enable better human decisions faster.

Mirato, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) powered software platform for risk management, recently joined the Shared Assessments Marketplace.

Join Mirato’s CTO Etai Hochman and Shared Assessments’ CEO Andrew Moyad as they discuss AI’s role in risk management. Together, they will examine AI’s potential to elevate risk management practices and help you determine your program’s approach to AI.

Learn how you can use machine insights to enable smarter human decisions in risk management!

June 26, 2024
11:00am-12:00pm ET
Free | 1 CPE
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Mirato Merit Award
Winner of the 2022 Merit Technology Award  Fintech Category
Mirato awards Risk markets Technology Awards 2023
Best use of Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Mirato banking tech awards

Highly Commended Finalist in the Best Smart Banking Tech Solution AI-Driven Data Insights category

Mirato awards

Vendor to watch
IDC® MarketScape: TPRM Software 2022 Vendor Assessment.

Mirato awards
Vendor driving innovation in Risk and Compliance Management 
Gartner® Competitive Landscape: Integrated Risk Management report

Without Mirato

Your risk experts spend weeks reviewing documents and information from multiple sources to confirm which controls are satisfied before understanding the true risk for each relationship.

Manually intensive assessments of various platforms

With Mirato

Your risk experts start their assessments with the list of controls supported by evidence and a complete audit trail. Now they can focus on making decisions and managing risk, not searching for it.

Mirato works with existing TPRM platforms

Your TPRM program... 

…with less manual effort and better results. Manage more volume with increased accuracy, process integrity, without adding resources.

Faster onboarding and time to value, with less friction for everybody
Expose hidden 4th parties, cascading risk, concentration risk
Continuously assess all third parties, all risk domains, all tiers
Double the risk assessment capacity of your current team
Assess new risks instantly across all third parties
Works with your current program, platform, information sources
Mirato's Risk Board screenshot

Our Values

Un Silo

All elements from various domains and data sources are funneled into one manageable orchestrated-platform with clear risk tiering, trends overview and unified scoring.


Varied domain expertise built into the system to assess third parties, concentration risk and fourth parties both directly (questionnaires) and indirectly(through a multitude of surface and deep-web data sources

Risk Visibility 24\7\365

The automated system will keep assessing for threats continuously and will alert you in real time when any important event is happening, to empower impactful, strategic and tactful decision-making

Fast Assessment

Shorter duration assessment based on quality data saves time and money.  Mirato can cut assessment costs to an estimated third of current expense.

Some of our partners

Latest from Mirato

A summary of the requirements of the new Interagency Guidance and how Mirato’s AI-powered technology can help Financial Services Firms meet them.
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In The Press
Pre-answers Up to 93% of TPRM Questionnaires to Significantly Streamline the Assessment Process for Faster, Easier Due Diligence of Third Parties
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Mirato Merit Award
Winner of the 2022 Merit Technology Award  Fintech Category
Mirato awards Risk markets Technology Awards 2023
Best use of Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Mirato banking tech awards

Highly Commended Finalist in the Best Smart Banking Tech Solution AI-Driven Data Insights category

Mirato awards

Vendor to watch
IDC® MarketScape: TPRM Software 2022 Vendor Assessment.

Mirato awards
Vendor driving innovation in Risk and Compliance Management 
Gartner® Competitive Landscape: Integrated Risk Management report
Let’s work together to reduce risk for your firm

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